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On October 20th, Ranti Hendricks, a woman born in Nigeria, visited our school and gave the twelfth-grade insight on her life in Nigeria, the US, GB and Germany.
In the previous weeks, we studied Nigeria in English class and dealt with different material to gain insights into life in Nigeria and its people. We were able to further develop the picture we had formed of the country through the story of Ranti. Her talk revealed to us a completely new perspective on the African country and showed that the widespread prejudices of a poor developing Nigeria do not correspond to the truth without exception and that it is also possible to lead a good, happy life there.
Overall, it was a valuable experience to learn first-hand about the country instead of only receiving information on a topic exclusively from the media.
Lea Maxeiner, Paula Röllenbleck, Q2
All students as well as the English staff members enjoyed welcoming you at our school, Ranti! Thank you very much for following our invitation to share your love for your home country and your personal story of not only growing up in Nigeria but also living a life in a globalized, interconnected world. Thank you for giving our students and us the chance to get a more nuanced view of Nigeria.